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Thursday 15 October 2020


Dear Angel, 
I’m sorry for the earth & sky 
You shared alone. 
I’m sorry for the air 
You breathed alone. 
I’m sorry for the flowers you touched, 
And the games you played alone. 
I earned a lot, 
Achieved the goals  
Beyond my dreams, 
Touched the horizons of success, 
But all without you , my love. 
In a trance of trampling success 
I forgot you’re a part of me, 
I forgot you’re in me. 
Not only that, 
I forgot the days 
When I told you to brush your teeth, 
Helped you to get dressed, 
 And go to school. 
When we went to park 
You holding my finger & walked 
The green patches of our grassy lawn. 
I’m very sorry to say 
I have seen you grow 
All alone in my presence 
With your west-ward emotions 
Full of breezy lull. 
I missed your first day at school, 
First football match, 
Your Halloween Parade 
And many more. 
Now they are countless to write, 
Countless to read. 
Dear doll, 
In your suffering 
I too have suffered 
By allowing my priorities over my relationship 
All at the cost of globetrotting job. 
This I could know 
 A year ago 
When I asked you to remember 
What you missed 
When I was away. 
You asked me to wait, 
Went to your room 
 And came with a piece of paper, 
And handed me a list of 22 events 
Surely important one for you, 
Important one for me. 
 List of events & activities you compiled . 
Both you & I missed 
Due to my so called commitments. 
Surely it was a wake-up call! 
Excuses apart 
Each missing events 
Weighed heavy upon me, 
My tours , travels & meets. 
 But I was sure enough now 
By doing so I have missed 
A thread of life & love. 
It deeply hurts to know 
I allowed my relations 
 To ride on unruly waves 
Of misleading commitments. 
 Work may be worship 
But not at the cost of you. 
Now I’m with you 
Binding knot to knot 
And kissing every smile.
 (Rajiv kumar/29/09/2014)