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Sunday, 19 December 2010

WHEN I MISS YOU(Written in 1985)

My love,
Whenever I miss you
I miss the whole thread
Between you and I
That links us together.

I sit here and fight
All sorts of War
Suffer all kinds of pangs
And get my "self" divided
Into fragments in your absence,
Fragments of time,tense and passion.

I hang as ever
Between memories and desires
As they keep coming disturbingly,
I am still sitting with her
Teaching her chemistry of passion.
Sitting with her I am learning
How winds interact with leaves,
Flowers with butterflies.

I see you turning into mother,
But fail to watch myself turning into father.
I am just a grand old father
With my sons up in arms
'gainst me and away
Deserting me like a dust in the been,
But grand old sons clinging to me
Even today.

The waves continue to come
One after another,
I stand still between mother and son
All silent but with mixed feeling
Of what I lost and what I gained.

Saturday, 18 December 2010


Why do I like
To be loved and praised?
Why do I think
Everything meaningless and sterile?
Why is my syntax so fractured
And the world
Ever punctuating my life
That's mine and mine alone.

Why do I take everything
In terms of passion,obsession.
Why do I underline things
Which were passionless,
Though I'm a son,a father and all
That exists as human.

Yet why do I think
I'm as good as God,
And as bad as I am.
Will you answer me,mom.
Why I need a world
Vertically vivid and vibrant
To climb on.