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Monday, 17 May 2010


There was a green woods 
And there was sky blue, 
There was a shining Sun, 
There was some light and hue, 
Though there was shared space, 
Yet there was no much race.
Humans with greed 
Took more than they need, 
Though much of space, 
 They forcely acquired, 
And that much space 
We haven't required. 
It was the time when I lost my nest 
I lost my calm, I lost my rest. 
 Buildings became high rise  
And there was no sunrise 
People were traitors, 
They were senseless cheats 
 Who I never wish to see 
Nor ever like to meet. 
Here I fear to flutter 
Even with my powerful wings, 
And dare not take to sky 
Where the dangers lie. 
As this haunted me ever 
I liked this life never. 
 So O' Lord, ''Give me a thorny tree 
Give me some power,
Give me some place 
Where I could weave the best 
And hang it on that tree 
There to lay my eggs, 
There to have some rest. 
And there live with peace 
There live with grace. 
In a week or two, I'll lay my eggs 
Hatch them to new  life 
Not facing danger Inside home. 
I'll feed my little ones, 
And give them stronger wings 
To fly in the open sky 
In the summer, winter or spring. 
All dreams came true 
In my cozy nest 
That we have made 
 Out of diffrent waste. 
Chicks were chirpy 
And restless lot 
Who made us busy day and night 
They play sometime, 
Some time they fight. 
 But our happiness didn't last more, 
Fate had a gloomy day in store. 
A saitan visited my nest, 
Our dream were badly shattered, 
And emotions severely battered 
And put to dust for ever.

1 comment:

  1. So O' Lord,
    Give me a thorny tree
    Give me some power,
    Give me some place
    Where I could weave the best
    And hang it on that tree
    sir when the world is full of throns, thorn of desires, thorn of aspirations, thorn of dreams and thron of ambitions.... you just seek a thorny tree to hang your nest... wonderful thought... in modern global perspective.
